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2010年-09月-05日 来源:mebo

(08.30 --09.05/ 2010)

  本周动态包括以下内容: 脂肪可用作细胞内在 pH 感受器; 鱼油抗炎抗糖尿病的机理;发现上皮组织中神秘免疫细胞的功能和机理; 蛋白质 TIMP3 促进造血干细胞分裂; 中草药提取物 大黄素 改善糖尿病和胰岛素抵抗的机理; 共生菌群失调或导致代谢性疾病。

•  脂肪可用作细胞内在 pH 感受器
【摘要】 来源:《科学》 发布时间: 2010-8-30 16:44:36

  英国哥伦比亚大学( UBC )的一个研究小组发现细胞膜上存在的一种特异的脂肪可作为一种细胞 pH 感受器。该研究成果被发表在《科学》( Science )杂志上。 pH 值是对酸度或碱度的一种测量值。细胞需要维持 pH 稳定以保证身体正常的细胞功能。然而细胞 pH 监视器的机制却不清楚。“科学家们发现一些特异的蛋白可以检测某些环境下 pH 值的改变,”英国哥伦比亚大学医学院细胞及生理学科系的副教授、生命科学研究所的成员 Chris Loewen 说:“我们发现一种存在于所有细胞中称为磷脂酸的特异性磷脂,能够检测细胞中 pH 值的变化。”“使用酿酒酵母作为模型,我们发现当被剥夺营养素时,细胞的 pH 值下降可影响磷脂酸的化学状态,从而改变基因表达和细胞新陈代谢。”英国哥伦比亚大学和温哥华沿岸卫生研究所的成员 Loewen 说。

    新的发现具有非常重要的意义,它有助于研究者了解人类新陈代谢和疾病,因为所有生物体的脂类结构和功能都是非常相似的。可将其运用到其他领域进行更深的探究,例如肿瘤发生——因为磷脂酸和 pH 值在这一过程中发挥了非常重要的作用。亦可应用到大脑研究,脑细胞 pH 值的动态改变表明他们也使用了 pH 感受器。


  发现磷脂酸可以检测细胞内 pH 值的变化并调节与效应蛋白的结合,从而调节机体生理活动。鉴于 pH 值的稳定对生物体生存的重要意义,作为细胞内 pH 值感受器的功能会极大地提高磷脂酸这类脂质在生物体中的重要性。

【原文摘录】   Science Vol. 329. no. 5995, pp. 1085 – 1088, DOI: 10.1126/science.1191026

Phosphatidic Acid Is a pH Biosensor That Links Membrane Biogenesis to Metabolism

Barry P. Young, John J. H. Shin, Rick Orij, et al.

Recognition of lipids by proteins is important for their targeting and activation in many signaling pathways, but the mechanisms that regulate such interactions are largely unknown. Here, we found that binding of proteins to the ubiquitous signaling lipid phosphatidic acid (PA) depended on intracellular pH and the protonation state of its phosphate head group. In yeast, a rapid decrease in intracellular pH in response to glucose starvation regulated binding of PA to a transcription factor, Opi1, that coordinately repressed phospholipid metabolic genes. This enabled coupling of membrane biogenesis to nutrient availability.

•  鱼油抗炎抗糖尿病的机理


  ω-3 脂肪酸具有抗炎作用,但机理一直不清楚。美国加州大学的研究人员最近发现 G 蛋白偶联受体 GPR120 是 ω-3 脂肪酸的受体 / 感受器,体外细胞试验显示 GPR120 受到 ω-3 脂肪酸或化学激动剂的刺激会产生广泛的抗炎作用,而敲除 GPR120 会使所有这些作用消失。肥胖症胰岛素抗性的一个关键机理是巨噬细胞介导的慢性组织发炎。通过喂食野生型和敲除 GPR120 的肥胖小鼠添加或不添加 ω-3 脂肪酸的高脂肪饮食,发现给野生型小鼠添加 ω-3 脂肪酸可以抑制发炎并增强全身胰岛素敏感性,而在敲除 GPR120 的小鼠则无此效果。因此, ω-3 脂肪酸通过激活 GPR120 受体及其介导的抑制巨噬细胞介导的慢性组织发炎的作用而发挥体内增强胰岛素敏感性抗糖尿病的作用。

  鱼油,尤其是其富含的 ω-3 脂肪酸的保健作用的机理一致不太清楚,本文的研究结果在细胞和动物实验层面上解释了 ω-3 脂肪酸的抗炎和抗糖尿病作用机理,如果同样的效果可以在临床试验中重现,那对于糖尿病和相关炎症可能会提供一种简单的食疗方案。

【原文摘录】   Cell , 2010; 142 (5): 687-698 DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2010.07.041

GPR120 Is an Omega-3 Fatty Acid Receptor Mediating Potent Anti-inflammatory and Insulin-Sensitizing Effects .

Da Young Oh, Saswata Talukdar, Eun Ju Bae, et al.

Omega-3 fatty acids (ω-3 FAs), DHA and EPA, exert anti-inflammatory effects, but the mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we show that the G protein-coupled receptor 120 (GPR120) functions as an ω-3 FA receptor/sensor. Stimulation of GPR120 with ω-3 FAs or a chemical agonist causes broad anti-inflammatory effects in monocytic RAW 264.7 cells and in primary intraperitoneal macrophages. All of these effects are abrogated by GPR120 knockdown. Since chronic macrophage-mediated tissue inflammation is a key mechanism for insulin resistance in obesity, we fed obese WT and GPR120 knockout mice a high-fat diet with or without ω-3 FA supplementation. The ω-3 FA treatment inhibited inflammation and enhanced systemic insulin sensitivity in WT mice, but was without effect in GPR120 knockout mice. In conclusion, GPR120 is a functional ω-3 FA receptor/sensor and mediates potent insulin sensitizing and antidiabetic effects in vivo by repressing macrophage-induced tissue inflammation.

•  发现上皮组织中神秘免疫细胞的功能和机理

  【摘要】 9 月 3 号的 Science 杂志发表了 Scripps Research Institute 团队的相关研究,阐明了皮肤和其他上皮组织中的一种免疫细胞 γδ T 细胞的激活机理。这些免疫细胞在识别上皮组织的损伤和病变中起独特而关键的作用。自发现 γδ T 细胞近三十年来,对其激活机理一直知之甚少。科学家发现这类细胞出现于胚胎发育早期的胸腺中,而后迁移到上皮组织中。与免疫系统的 αβT 细胞不同,大部分 γδ T 细胞不在血流中循环,而是作为皮肤、肺和肠的一种主要的 T 细胞定居在那里并监视临近上皮细胞的损伤和病变。而 Havran 领导的研究发现 γδ T 细胞能加速伤口愈合, 跟进的研究证实作为上皮中主要细胞类型的角质细胞感知皮肤损伤并表达一种抗原, γδ T 细胞能够识别这种抗原进而活化变形成为圆形小工厂,开始大量生产一种生长因子,这些生长因子结合到角质细胞和其他上皮细胞,促进它们增殖以闭合伤口。 γδ T 细胞本身也增殖来增强伤口愈合反应。


  γδ T 细胞促进上皮组织伤口愈合的功能和机理的阐明,会促进对于免疫细胞在创伤愈合中的作用的更深入研究,对于进一步理解创伤愈合并开发更好的治疗手段有很大帮助。

【原文摘录】   Science , 2010; 329 (5996): 1205-1210 DOI: 10.1126/science.1192698

The Junctional Adhesion Molecule JAML Is a Costimulatory Receptor for Epithelial γδ T Cell Activation .

Deborah A. Witherden, Petra Verdino, Stephanie E, et al.

T cells present in epithelial tissues provide a crucial first line of defense against environmental insults, including infection, trauma, and malignancy, yet the molecular events surrounding their activation remain poorly defined. Here we identify an epithelial T cell–specific costimulatory molecule, junctional adhesion molecule–like protein (JAML). Binding of JAML to its ligand Coxsackie and adenovirus receptor (CAR) provides costimulation leading to cellular proliferation and cytokine and growth factor production. Inhibition of JAML costimulation leads to diminished T cell activation and delayed wound closure akin to that seen in the absence of T cells. Our results identify JAML as a crucial component of epithelial T cell biology and have broader implications for CAR and JAML in tissue homeostasis and repair.

4. 蛋白质 TIMP3 促进造血干细胞分裂
【摘要】 新华网 2010-8-31 9:20:54

  一项新研究发现,一种蛋白质能够促进造血干细胞增殖并形成血液细胞,因此这种蛋白质有可能用来制作药剂,以用于恢复因放化疗而减少的白细胞和红细胞。造血干细胞是指骨髓中的干细胞,具有自我复制能力,且可以分裂形成白细胞、红细胞和血小板等。但造血干细胞通常只有很少一部分缓慢分裂,大部分几乎都处于 “ 冬眠状态 ” 。人体因化疗和放疗导致血液细胞减少后,造血干细胞会开始分裂,但其机制一直没有弄清。日本庆应义塾大学副教授中岛秀明等人在 27 日的美国《血液》月刊上发表论文说,他们在动物实验中发现,老鼠进行化疗和放疗后,骨髓中称为 “TIMP3” 的蛋白质增加。而在培养皿中,向采自老鼠骨髓的造血干细胞添加 “TIMP3” 蛋白质进行培养后,发现造血干细胞增殖活跃,数量相当于未添加时的 1.5 倍至 2 倍,血液细胞也随之增加。研究人员还发现,如果使老鼠体内无法生产 “TIMP3” 蛋白质,则血液细胞减少难以恢复。而一旦 “TIMP3” 过剩,处于 “ 冬眠 ” 状态的造血干细胞就苏醒过来,开始分裂。研究人员说,在进行化疗和放疗时,人体骨髓中的血液细胞会受到破坏,从而减少,容易出现感染和 贫血 等问题。如利用 “TIMP3” 蛋白质,就有望加快恢复因化疗和放疗而减少的血液细胞,除防止感染外,还可以减少输血量。


  老鼠细胞培养和动物实验显示 TIMP3 蛋白质可以促进造血干细胞分裂增殖,但期望这一蛋白能有助于癌症的辅助治疗,还需进一步研究是否在人体中有同样效果以及如何促进在体内产生这类蛋白质。

【原文摘录】   Blood DOI 10.1182/blood-2010-01-266528.

TIMP-3 recruits quiescent hematopoietic stem cells into active cell cycle and expands multipotent progenitor pool

Hideaki Nakajima1, Miyuki Ito, David S. Smookler, et al.

Regulating transition of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) between quiescent and cycling states is critical for maintaining homeostasis of blood cell production. The cycling states of HSCs are regulated by the extracellular factors such as cytokines and extracellular matrix, however, the molecular circuitry for such regulation remains elusive. Here we show that tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 (TIMP-3), an endogenous regulator of metalloproteinases, stimulates HSC proliferation by recruiting quiescent HSCs into the cell cycle. Myelosuppression induced TIMP -3 in the bone marrow prior to hematopoietic recovery. Interestingly, TIMP-3 enhanced proliferation of HSCs and promoted expansion of multipotent progenitors, which was achieved by stimulating cell-cycle entry of quiescent HSCs without compensating their long-term repopulating activity. Surprisingly, this effect did not require metalloproteinase inhibitory activity of TIMP-3, and was possibly mediated through a direct inhibition of angiopoietin-1 signaling, a critical mediator for HSC quiescence. Furthermore, BM recovery from myelosuppression was accelerated by overexpression of TIMP-3, and in turn, impaired in TIMP-3-deficient animals. These results suggest that TIMP-3 may act as a molecular cue in response to myelosuppression for recruiting dormant HSCs into active cell cycle, and may be clinically useful for facilitating hematopoietic recovery after chemotherapy or ex vivo expansion of HSCs.

5. 中草药提取物 大黄素 改善糖尿病和胰岛素抵抗的机理

  大黄素是一种可自大黄、虎杖等多种中草药之中提取的天然产物,它在减轻 II 型糖尿病的影响方面显示出了很大的前途。刊登于本月《英国药理学期刊》( British Journal of Pharmacology )的研究结果显示,对由饮食导致肥胖的小鼠给予大黄素之后,其血糖和血清胰岛素浓度降低,其胰岛素抵抗得到了改善,从而导致更好的血脂健康水平。同时它还减轻了小鼠的体重,并减少了其中央体脂。论文主要作者、就职于中国科学院上海药物研究所( Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences )的 冷颖 博士说道: “ 如果在人类身上重现这一结果,所有这些变化都将有益于受 II 型糖尿病或者其他与胰岛素抵抗相关联的代谢性疾病影响的病人。 ” 越来越多的研究显示,一种名为 11β-HSD1 的酶在人体对饮食中所含糖分的反应中扮演了重要角色。当一个人食用含糖食物时,大量葡萄糖进入血液。作为回应,人体释放出胰岛素,这种激素会触发各种功能,帮助从血液中清除过量的葡萄糖。然而,人体内还有另一系列激素,名为糖皮质激素,它们的作用与胰岛素正好相反。而这里正是 11β-HSD1 起作用的关键,因为这种酶使糖皮质激素的作用能力增加。  

  该项研究首次表明,大黄素对 11β-HSD1 来说是一种强有力的选择性抑制剂,从而能够有效地限制糖皮质激素的作用效果,并改善糖尿病和胰岛素抵抗。 冷 博士说: “ 我们的工作显示,这种中草药的自然提取物可能指出了一条帮助治疗 II 型糖尿病以及其他代谢紊乱的新的途径。为进一步发展这种途径,研究人员需要开发与大黄素作用类似的化学药品,看看这些药品是否可以作为治疗药物使用。 ”



【原文摘录】   British Journal of Pharmacology DOI: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00826.x

Emodin, a natural product, selectively inhibits 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 and ameliorates metabolic disorder in diet-induced obese mice

Ying Feng, Su-ling Huang, Wei Dou, et al.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE 11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) is an attractive therapeutic target of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Emodin, a natural product and active ingredient of various Chinese herbs, has been demonstrated to possess multiple biological activities. Here, we investigated the effects of emodin on 11β-HSD1 and its ability to ameliorate metabolic disorders in diet-induced obese (DIO) mice.

EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH Scintillation proximity assay was performed to evaluate inhibition of emodin against recombinant human and mouse 11β-HSDs. The ability of emodin to inhibit prednisone- or dexamethasone-induced insulin resistance was investigated in C57BL/6J mice and its effect on metabolic abnormalities was observed in DIO mice.

KEY RESULTS Emodin is a potent and selective 11β-HSD1 inhibitor with the IC 50 of 186 and 86 nM for human and mouse 11β-HSD1, respectively. Single oral administration of emodin inhibited 11β-HSD1 activity of liver and fat significantly in mice. Emodin reversed prednisone-induced insulin resistance in mice, whereas it did not affect dexamethasone-induced insulin resistance, which confirmed its inhibitory effect on 11β-HSD 1 in vivo . In DIO mice, oral administration of emodin improved insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism, and lowered blood glucose and hepatic PEPCK, and glucose-6-phosphatase mRNA.

CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS This study demonstrated a new role for emodin as a potent and selective inhibitor of 11β-HSD1 and its beneficial effects on metabolic disorders in DIO mice. This highlights the potential value of analogues of emodin as a new class of compounds for the treatment of metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes.

6. 共生菌群失调或导致代谢性疾病

【摘要】 (来源:文汇报 许琦敏)

  吃酸奶、补充益生菌,对健康好,吃太多肉会使体内产生不少毒素 —— 这是广告勾勒的臆想,还是真有其事?近年来,科学家发现,除了遗传和不健康的生活方式外, 寄居在人体内的共生菌群失调同样有可能引发慢性代谢性疾病,而膳食是调节菌群的重要途径之一。
  有细菌入侵,人体就会发烧,这是显而易见的炎症。不过,人体内还存在另一种 “ 温吞水 ” 般的慢性炎症。这要从菌群说起。人体肠道中存在大量的共生细菌,分为革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌,后者会产生内毒素,并在菌体死后将其释放进血液。 动物研究发现,高脂肪食物会改变肠道菌群的构成,使革兰氏阴性菌的比例增高,从而导致血液中的内毒素浓度升高。而内毒素又会通过一系列反应,开启人体中的炎症通道,让人体处于慢性炎症状态中 ,这就好比对免疫系统的游击战,日积月累会令机体疲于应对,无法进行正常的新陈代谢,肥胖、糖尿病、心血管疾病等代谢性疾病就不请自来了。

  菌群的变化是否同样影响着中国人的健康呢?中科院上海生科院营养科学研究所林旭研究员领导的研究团队与上海疾控中心合作,通过在上海社区人群中开展 “ 营养、肠道菌群与肥胖关系的病例 - 对照研究 ” 项目,发现 内毒素的结合蛋白与慢性代谢性综合征和 2 型糖尿病密切相关 。 而内毒素作为一种外源性的诱导物,可能在激活慢性炎症通路和代谢紊乱的发生过程中起到重要作用 。该论文最近发表于权威杂志《糖尿病护理》( Diabetes Care )。

  在这次大规模人群研究中,科学家发现,肥胖个体中内毒素相关指标比正常体重个体高出 1.76 倍;而且,血浆中内毒素相关指标高的个体,身体中所有 “ 坏分子 ” 、炎症因子的水平都相应偏高,而对机体有保护作用的 “ 好分子 ” 又都偏少。 “ 我们发现血浆中内毒素相关指标的浓度越高,罹患代谢性疾病的风险也越大。 ” 论文主要作者之一、营养所孙亮博士告诉记者,血浆中内毒素相关指标最高组的个体与最低组相比,罹患代谢综合征的风险高出 2.5 倍、患 2 型糖尿病的风险高出 4.5 倍!




【原文摘录】   Diabetes Care September 2010 vol. 33 no. 9 1925-1932

A Marker of Endotoxemia Is Associated With Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders in Apparently Healthy Chinese

Liang Sun , Zhijie Yu , Xingwang Ye , et al.

OBJECTIVE Elevated lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP), a marker of subclinical endotoxemia, may be involved in the pathogenesis of obesity and metabolic risk. We aimed to investigate the association between plasma LBP and metabolic disorders in apparently healthy Chinese.

RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS A population-based study including 559 overweight/obese (BMI ≥ 24.0 kg /m 2 ) and 500 normal-weight (18.0 ≤ BMI < 24.0 kg /m 2 ) subjects aged 35–54 years was conducted in Shanghai , China . Fasting plasma glucose, lipid profile, LBP, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, high-molecular-weight (HMW) adiponectin, leptin, hepatic enzymes, and body composition were measured. Metabolic syndrome was defined by the updated National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criterion for Asian Americans.

RESULTS LBP levels were significantly higher in overweight/obese individuals than in normal-weight individuals (geometric mean 27.6 [95% CI 25.2–30.3] vs. 10.0 [9.1–11.1] μg/ml; P < 0.001). After multiple adjustments including BMI, the odds ratios were 3.54 (95% CI 2.05–6.09) and 5.53 (95% CI 2.64–11.59) for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes, respectively, comparing the highest with the lowest LBP quartile. Further adjustments for inflammatory markers almost abolished the significant association of LBP with metabolic syndrome but not that with type 2 diabetes, and controlling for adipokines and hepatic enzymes did not substantially alter the results.

CONCLUSIONS Elevated circulating LBP was associated with obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes in apparently healthy Chinese. These findings suggested a role of lipopolysaccharide via initiation of innate immune mechanism(s) in metabolic disorders. Prospective studies are needed to confirm these results.