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2011年-07月-17日 来源:mebo




1. 裸鼠移植人神经干细胞减轻由辐射引起的认知功能障碍
    治疗脑癌的头部放疗导致的认知能力逐渐变弱部分原因可能是神经干细胞耗竭。美国科学家通过辐照无胸腺裸鼠两天后在海马区内移植人神经干细胞来检验干细胞替代策略在对付辐射引起的认知能力减弱方面的潜力。在辐照后1个月和4个月测定认知表现、人神经干细胞的存活状况和表型结果。移植人神经干细胞的辐照大鼠认知功能的减弱明显比伪装移植的辐照大鼠少,表现与未辐照的对照大鼠无可识别的差异。无偏见的立体测量显示移植细胞在移植后1和4个月分别存活23%和12%。 移植的细胞广泛迁移,向神经胶质和神经元细胞分化,而且表达调节行动的细胞骨架相关蛋白(Arc),提示其能够在功能上整合进海马区。这些数据表明人神经干细胞提供了一种有希望的策略来恢复受辐照动物的认知功能。


【参考论文】Cancer Research, 2011; 71 (14): 4834 DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-11-0027
Human Neural Stem Cell Transplantation Ameliorates Radiation-Induced Cognitive Dysfunction
M. M. Acharya, L.-A. Christie, M. L. Lan, et al.
Cranial radiotherapy induces progressive and debilitating declines in cognition that may, in part, be caused by the depletion of neural stem cells. The potential of using stem cell replacement as a strategy to combat radiation-induced cognitive decline was addressed by irradiating athymic nude rats followed 2 days later by intrahippocampal transplantation with human neural stem cells (hNSC). Measures of cognitive performance, hNSC survival, and phenotypic fate were assessed at 1 and 4 months after irradiation. Irradiated animals engrafted with hNSCs showed significantly less decline in cognitive function than irradiated, sham-engrafted animals and acted indistinguishably from unirradiated controls. Unbiased stereology revealed that 23% and 12% of the engrafted cells survived 1 and 4 months after transplantation, respectively. Engrafted cells migrated extensively, differentiated along glial and neuronal lineages, and expressed the activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc), suggesting their capability to functionally integrate into the hippocampus. These data show that hNSCs afford a promising strategy for functionally restoring cognition in irradiated animals.

2. 胎儿期和哺乳期营养状况影响成年后的基因表达


【参考论文】FASEB Journal, June 13, 2011 fj.11-181792; published ahead of print
Perinatal Undernutrition Affects the Methylation and Expression of the Leptin Gene in Adults: Implication for the Understanding of Metabolic Syndrome
C Jousse, L Parry, S Lambert-Langlais, et al.
Transient environmental influences, such as perinatal nutritional stress, may induce deleterious metabolic symptoms that last for the entire life of individuals, implying that epigenetic modifications play an important role in this process. We have investigated, in mice, the consequences of maternal undernutrition during gestation and lactation on DNA methylation and expression of the leptin gene, which plays a major regulatory role in coordinating nutritional state with many aspects of mammalian biology. We show that animals born to mothers fed a low-protein-diet (F1-LPD group) have a lower body weight/adiposity and exhibit a higher food intake than animals born to mothers fed a control diet (F1-CD group). These modifications persisted throughout life and were associated with lower levels of leptin mRNA and protein in starved F1-LPD mice, emphasizing that maternal protein-undernutrition affects the balance between food intake and energy expenditure in adults. Moreover, this nutritional stress resulted in the removal of methyls at CpGs located in the promoter of leptin, causing a permanent specific modification in the dynamics of the expression of leptin, which exhibits a stronger induction in the F1-LPD than in F1-CD mice in response to a meal. This study is an example of a molecular rationale linking transient environmental influences to permanent phenotypic consequences.

3. 新化合物通过阻断对高氧化压力的适应来选择性杀死癌细胞


【参考论文】Nature, 2011; 475 (7355): 231 DOI: 10.1038/nature10167
Selective killing of cancer cells by a small molecule targeting the stress response to ROS
Lakshmi Raj, Takao Ide, Aditi U. Gurkar, et al.
Malignant transformation, driven by gain-of-function mutations in oncogenes and loss-of-function mutations in tumour suppressor genes, results in cell deregulation that is frequently associated with enhanced cellular stress (for example, oxidative, replicative, metabolic and proteotoxic stress, and DNA damage). Adaptation to this stress phenotype is required for cancer cells to survive, and consequently cancer cells may become dependent upon non-oncogenes that do not ordinarily perform such a vital function in normal cells. Thus, targeting these non-oncogene dependencies in the context of a transformed genotype may result in a synthetic lethal interaction and the selective death of cancer cells. Here we used a cell-based small-molecule screening and quantitative proteomics approach that resulted in the unbiased identification of a small molecule that selectively kills cancer cells but not normal cells. Piperlongumine increases the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and apoptotic cell death in both cancer cells and normal cells engineered to have a cancer genotype, irrespective of p53 status, but it has little effect on either rapidly or slowly dividing primary normal cells. Significant antitumour effects are observed in piperlongumine-treated mouse xenograft tumour models, with no apparent toxicity in normal mice. Moreover, piperlongumine potently inhibits the growth of spontaneously formed malignant breast tumours and their associated metastases in mice. Our results demonstrate the ability of a small molecule to induce apoptosis selectively in cells that have a cancer genotype, by targeting a non-oncogene co-dependency acquired through the expression of the cancer genotype in response to transformation-induced oxidative stress.

4. 诱导多能干细胞的表观遗传记忆
    人诱导多能干细胞看似非常像人胚胎干细胞。以色列科学家用两种遗传谱系追踪系统证明了从人胰岛β细胞生成诱导多能干细胞系。这些重组的细胞获得了多能干细胞的标记并分化成三胚层。然而,从β细胞而来的诱导多能干细胞(BiPSCs)在关键β细胞基因上维持开放的染色质结构,同时有一个独特的DNA甲基化签名以区别于其他多能干细胞。与胚胎干细胞和同基因的非β细胞来的iPSCs 相比,BiPSCs也显示了更高的体内体外分化成生产胰岛素的细胞的能力。其研究结果提示表观遗传记忆可能使BiPSCs更倾向于分化成生产胰岛素的细胞。这些发现证明人诱导多能干细胞的表现型可能受其来源细胞的影响,也提示其受影响的分化潜力可能有利于细胞替代治疗。


【参考论文】Cell Stem Cell, 2011; 9 (1): 17 DOI:10.1016/j.stem.2011.06.007
Epigenetic Memory and Preferential Lineage-Specific Differentiation in Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Derived from Human Pancreatic Islet Beta Cells
Ori Bar-Nur, Holger A. Russ, Shimon Efrat, Nissim Benvenisty.
Human induced pluripotent stem cells (HiPSCs) appear to be highly similar to human embryonic stem cells (HESCs). Using two genetic lineage-tracing systems, we demonstrate the generation of iPSC lines from human pancreatic islet beta cells. These reprogrammed cells acquired markers of pluripotent cells and differentiated into the three embryonic germ layers. However, the beta cell-derived iPSCs (BiPSCs) maintained open chromatin structure at key beta-cell genes, together with a unique DNA methylation signature that distinguishes them from other PSCs. BiPSCs also demonstrated an increased ability to differentiate into insulin-producing cells both in vitro and in vivo, compared with ESCs and isogenic non-beta iPSCs. Our results suggest that the epigenetic memory may predispose BiPSCs to differentiate more readily into insulin producing cells. These findings demonstrate that HiPSC phenotype may be influenced by their cells of origin, and suggest that their skewed differentiation potential may be advantageous for cell replacement therapy.

5. 小RNA指导人纤维母细胞转变成神经元
    神经元的转录因子和进化上保守的信号通路被发现是有助于神经元的形成。然而,小RNA在神经新生中的指导作用还不清楚。美国科学家最近发现miR-9* 和miR-124指导SWI/SNF-like BAF 染色质重塑复合体组分的变化,该过程对神经元分化和功能很重要。在靠近神经元祖细胞有丝分裂出口时,miR-9* 和miR-124抑制神经元祖细胞BAF 染色质重塑复合体的BAF53a 亚基。在有丝分裂出口之后,BAF53a 被BAF53b取代,BAF45a被 BAF45b 和 BAF45c取代,后者合并成为神经元特异的BAF复合体为有丝分裂后的功能所必需。由于miR-9* 和miR-124也控制多个调节神经元分化和功能的基因,他们认为这些小RNA可能与神经元命运有关。他们的研究显示人纤维母细胞中miR-9/9* 和miR-124的表达诱导其转变成神经元,该过程受NEUROD2的促进。进一步加入神经元的转录因子ASCL1 和 MYT1L提高了转化率和转化成的神经元的成熟,这其中只表达这些转录因子不表达miR-9/9*-124 的话是没有效果的。该研究暗示涉及miR-9/9*-124的遗传线路对神经元命运决定有指导作用。


【参考论文】Nature, 2011; DOI:10.1038/nature10323
MicroRNA-mediated conversion of human fibroblasts to neurons
Andrew S. Yoo, Alfred X. Sun, Li Li, et al.
Neurogenic transcription factors and evolutionarily conserved signalling pathways have been found to be instrumental in the formation of neurons. However, the instructive role of microRNAs (miRNAs) in neurogenesis remains unexplored. We recently discovered that miR-9* and miR-124 instruct compositional changes of SWI/SNF-like BAF chromatin-remodelling complexes, a process important for neuronal differentiation and function. Nearing mitotic exit of neural progenitors, miR-9* and miR-124 repress the BAF53a subunit of the neural-progenitor (np)BAF chromatin-remodelling complex. After mitotic exit, BAF53a is replaced by BAF53b, and BAF45a by BAF45b and BAF45c, which are then incorporated into neuron-specific (n)BAF complexes essential for post-mitotic functions. Because miR-9/9* and miR-124 also control multiple genes regulating neuronal differentiation and function, we proposed that these miRNAs might contribute to neuronal fates. Here we show that expression of miR-9/9* and miR-124 (miR-9/9*-124) in human fibroblasts induces their conversion into neurons, a process facilitated by NEUROD2. Further addition of neurogenic transcription factors ASCL1 and MYT1L enhances the rate of conversion and the maturation of the converted neurons, whereas expression of these transcription factors alone without miR-9/9*-124 was ineffective. These studies indicate that the genetic circuitry involving miR-9/9*-124 can have an instructive role in neural fate determination.

6. 多能神经干细胞生成大脑中的神经元和胶质细胞


【参考论文】Cell, 2011; 145 (7): 1142 DOI:10.1016/j.cell.2011.05.024
In Vivo Clonal Analysis Reveals Self-Renewing and Multipotent Adult Neural Stem Cell Characteristics
Michael A. Bonaguidi, Michael A. Wheeler, Jason S. Shapiro, et al.
Neurogenesis and gliogenesis continue in discrete regions of the adult mammalian brain. A fundamental question remains whether cell genesis occurs from distinct lineage-restricted progenitors or from self-renewing and multipotent neural stem cells in the adult brain. Here, we developed a genetic marking strategy for lineage tracing of individual, quiescent, and nestin-expressing radial glia-like (RGL) precursors in the adult mouse dentate gyrus. Clonal analysis identified multiple modes of RGL activation, including asymmetric and symmetric self-renewal. Long-term lineage tracing in vivo revealed a significant percentage of clones that contained RGL(s), neurons, and astrocytes, indicating capacity of individual RGLs for both self-renewal and multilineage differentiation. Furthermore, conditional Pten deletion in RGLs initially promotes their activation and symmetric self-renewal but ultimately leads to terminal astrocytic differentiation and RGL depletion in the adult hippocampus. Our study identifies RGLs as self-renewing and multipotent neural stem cells and provides novel insights into in vivo properties of adult neural stem cells.