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2010年-12月-19日 来源:mebo



1. 人体多能干细胞体外定向分化形成肠组织


【原文摘录】Nature doi:10.1038/nature09691
Directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into intestinal tissue in vitro
Jason R. Spence, Christopher N. Mayhew, Scott A. Rankin, et al.
Studies in embryonic development have guided successful efforts to direct the differentiation of human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) into specific organ cell types in vitro1, 2. For example, human PSCs have been differentiated into monolayer cultures of liver hepatocytes and pancreatic endocrine cells3, 4, 5, 6 that have therapeutic efficacy in animal models of liver disease7, 8 and diabetes9, respectively. However, the generation of complex three-dimensional organ tissues in vitro remains a major challenge for translational studies. Here we establish a robust and efficient process to direct the differentiation of human PSCs into intestinal tissue in vitro using a temporal series of growth factor manipulations to mimic embryonic intestinal development10. This involved activin-induced definitive endoderm formation11, FGF/Wnt-induced posterior endoderm pattering, hindgut specification and morphogenesis12, 13, 14, and a pro-intestinal culture system15, 16 to promote intestinal growth, morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation. The resulting three-dimensional intestinal ‘organoids’ consisted of a polarized, columnar epithelium that was patterned into villus-like structures and crypt-like proliferative zones that expressed intestinal stem cell markers17. The epithelium contained functional enterocytes, as well as goblet, Paneth and enteroendocrine cells. Using this culture system as a model to study human intestinal development, we identified that the combined activity of WNT3A and FGF4 is required for hindgut specification whereas FGF4 alone is sufficient to promote hindgut morphogenesis. Our data indicate that human intestinal stem cells form de novo during development. We also determined that NEUROG3, a pro-endocrine transcription factor that is mutated in enteric anendocrinosis18, is both necessary and sufficient for human enteroendocrine cell development in vitro. PSC-derived human intestinal tissue should allow for unprecedented studies of human intestinal development and disease.

2. CRTC3基因可放慢脂肪消耗速度
【摘要】 来源:新华网 发布时间:2010-12-17 11:18:28


【原文摘录】Nature 468: 933–939, doi:10.1038/nature09564
CRTC3 links catecholamine signalling to energy balance
Youngsup Song, Judith Altarejos, Mark O. Goodarzi, et al.
The adipose-derived hormone leptin maintains energy balance in part through central nervous system-mediated increases in sympathetic outflow that enhance fat burning. Triggering of β-adrenergic receptors in adipocytes stimulates energy expenditure by cyclic AMP (cAMP)-dependent increases in lipolysis and fatty-acid oxidation. Although the mechanism is unclear, catecholamine signalling is thought to be disrupted in obesity, leading to the development of insulin resistance. Here we show that the cAMP response element binding (CREB) coactivator Crtc3 promotes obesity by attenuating β-adrenergic receptor signalling in adipose tissue. Crtc3 was activated in response to catecholamine signals, when it reduced adenyl cyclase activity by upregulating the expression of Rgs2, a GTPase-activating protein that also inhibits adenyl cyclase activity. As a common human CRTC3 variant with increased transcriptional activity is associated with adiposity in two distinct Mexican-American cohorts, these results suggest that adipocyte CRTC3 may play a role in the development of obesity in humans.

3. 发现能显著减缓生物钟的化合物
【摘要】 中国日报网 发布时间:2010-12-17 12:29:44
  据美国物理学家组织网12月14日报道,美国研究人员在使用自动筛选技术寻找新药品时,发现了一种能显著减缓生物钟的分子化合物,将其命名为“白日罪恶”。这一发现有望被用来开发新药品,帮助需要倒时差的空中飞人和严重睡眠障碍患者。相关论文发表于《公共科学图书馆—生物学》(PLoS Biology)。


【原文摘录】PLoS Biol 8(12): e1000559 doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1000559
High-Throughput Chemical Screen Identifies a Novel Potent Modulator of Cellular Circadian Rhythms and Reveals CKIa as a Clock Regulatory Kinase
Hirota T, Lee JW, Lewis WG, et al.
The circadian clock underlies daily rhythms of diverse physiological processes, and alterations in clock function have been linked to numerous pathologies. To apply chemical biology methods to modulate and dissect the clock mechanism with new chemical probes, we performed a circadian screen of ~120,000 uncharacterized compounds on human cells containing a circadian reporter. The analysis identified a small molecule that potently lengthens the circadian period in a dose-dependent manner. Subsequent analysis showed that the compound also lengthened the period in a variety of cells from different tissues including the mouse suprachiasmatic nucleus, the central clock controlling behavioral rhythms. Based on the prominent period lengthening effect, we named the compound longdaysin. Longdaysin was amenable for chemical modification to perform affinity chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry analysis to identify target proteins. Combined with siRNA-mediated gene knockdown, we identified the protein kinases CKIδ, CKIα, and ERK2 as targets of longdaysin responsible for the observed effect on circadian period. Although individual knockdown of CKIδ, CKIα, and ERK2 had small period effects, their combinatorial knockdown dramatically lengthened the period similar to longdaysin treatment. We characterized the role of CKIα in the clock mechanism and found that CKIα-mediated phosphorylation stimulated degradation of a clock protein PER1, similar to the function of CKIδ. Longdaysin treatment inhibited PER1 degradation, providing insight into the mechanism of longdaysin-dependent period lengthening. Using larval zebrafish, we further demonstrated that longdaysin drastically lengthened circadian period in vivo. Taken together, the chemical biology approach not only revealed CKIα as a clock regulatory kinase but also identified a multiple kinase network conferring robustness to the clock. Longdaysin provides novel possibilities in manipulating clock function due to its ability to simultaneously inhibit several key components of this conserved network across species.

4. 降低基质与细胞的机械力可使干细胞保持在多能状态
【摘要】 Sciencedaily  2010-12-17 9:31:11
  近日伊利诺大学的研究人员发现了一种新方法可使干细胞长期维持在中间状态。研究论文发表在 PLoS One杂志上。在论文中研究人员称他们利用一种软凝胶培养小鼠胚胎干细胞(mESCs)可使细胞长期维持在多能状态。并且无需加入昂贵的生长因子,这种软基质能在很长一段时间内维持同质克隆的生长。“这一技术在未来的再生医学中有着巨大的应用前景,”研究的共同负责人、医学科学和工程学教授Ning Wang说:“这是一个鼓舞人心的结果。我们的研究结果表明我们朝着揭示干细胞的基本生物学迈出了重要的一步。”
  研究小组将培养的mESCs细胞分成三个处理组进行平行试验:第一组mESCs细胞的用常规的加入生长因子的培养基培养;研究人员将第二组细胞接种在与细胞同样硬度的软胶上培养,并加入生长因子;第三组的细胞同样在软胶上培养,但却没有加入生长因子。研究人员发现在软凝胶上培养的细胞表现出更强的同质性和多能性。甚至在缺乏因子因子的条件下,培养三个月,传代20次后仍是如此。“世界上的事物都有两面性。我们在发现机械力可以诱导干细胞分化后反其道行之,证实降低基质与细胞的机械力可使细胞保持在多能状态,”王宁说:“我们的研究证实机械环境具有与化学生长因子一样重要的作用。在体内,细胞只在一段短时间内分泌生长因子。而另一方面,机械力则一直在影响着每个细胞。”在接下来的试验中,研究人员想尝试用诱导多能干细胞(iPSCs)来进一步验证他们的软基质培养方法“我们将尝试将小鼠iPSCs接种到同样的软基质中培养,看看是否能够获得同质的干细胞培养物。这一实验如果能取得成功,其产生的影响将无疑是巨大的。” Tanaka说。


【原文摘录】PLoS ONE   doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015655
Soft Substrates Promote Homogeneous Self-Renewal of Embryonic Stem Cells via Downregulating Cell-Matrix Tractions
Farhan Chowdhury, Yanzhen Li, Yeh-Chuin Poh, et al.
Maintaining undifferentiated mouse embryonic stem cell (mESC) culture has been a major challenge as mESCs cultured in Leukemia Inhibitory Factor (LIF) conditions exhibit spontaneous differentiation, fluctuating expression of pluripotency genes, and genes of specialized cells. Here we show that, in sharp contrast to the mESCs seeded on the conventional rigid substrates, the mESCs cultured on the soft substrates that match the intrinsic stiffness of the mESCs and in the absence of exogenous LIF for 5 days, surprisingly still generated homogeneous undifferentiated colonies, maintained high levels of Oct3/4, Nanog, and Alkaline Phosphatase (AP) activities, and formed embryoid bodies and teratomas efficiently. A different line of mESCs, cultured on the soft substrates without exogenous LIF, maintained the capacity of generating homogeneous undifferentiated colonies with relatively high levels of Oct3/4 and AP activities, up to at least 15 passages, suggesting that this soft substrate approach applies to long term culture of different mESC lines. mESC colonies on these soft substrates without LIF generated low cell-matrix tractions and low stiffness. Both tractions and stiffness of the colonies increased with substrate stiffness, accompanied by downregulation of Oct3/4 expression. Our findings demonstrate that mESC self-renewal and pluripotency can be maintained homogeneously on soft substrates via the biophysical mechanism of facilitating generation of low cell-matrix tractions.

5. p53失活使癌细胞获得干细胞特性
  p53是人类重要的肿瘤抑制基因,正常p53的生物功能好似“基因组卫士”,在G1期检查DNA损伤点,监视基因组的完整性。当基因组遭受损伤时,p53蛋白可阻止DNA复制,以提供足够的时间使损伤DNA修复;如果修复失败,p53蛋白则会引发细胞凋亡。当p53基因的两个拷贝都发生突变时,细胞的增殖会失去控制,从而导致细胞癌变。近日来自萨克生物研究学院和普林斯顿大学高级研究所的研究人员在共同合作的一项研究中发现p53还可抑制癌细胞向更富于侵袭性的干细胞样状态转化。研究人员根据p53的这个新功能将其称之为“防止基因组重编程的卫士(Guardian against Genome Reprogramming)”。研究论文发表在本周的 PNAS 杂志上。“众所周知,低分化、细胞及遗传异质性是许多侵袭性和致死性癌症的重要特征,”萨克生物研究所基因表达实验室的Wahl教授说道:“最近有科学家提出这些特征是由于存在干细胞样癌细胞所致。我们的发现表明p53突变可使肿瘤细胞重新获得干细胞样‘编程’。”“癌细胞需要获得干细胞的某些特征例如永生性才能生存和适应不断变化的环境。永生能力使得细胞能够不断自我更新,并能生成可分化为其他细胞类型的祖细胞,”Wahl说:“所有的肿瘤都是由癌细胞组成的不同的细胞聚集物,然而目前我们尚无法了解肿瘤异质性形成的机制。”
  过去科学家们将肿瘤的细胞多样性主要归因于其具有遗传不稳定性。随着肿瘤细胞群扩增,个别细胞发生随机突变,细胞的分子特性开始出现差异,最终由成百万的各不相同的癌细胞共同构成了肿瘤。此外一些科学家们还认为肿瘤的异质性是由于完全定型和特化的细胞在肿瘤发生和发展的过程中发生了去分化所造成的。然而最终这一理论被丢弃,取而代之的当前流行的癌干细胞理论。癌干细胞理论认为肿瘤中存在一类重要的细胞即癌干细胞。这些癌干细胞有可能起源于正常干细胞或早期祖细胞,与其他肿瘤细胞不同它们具有自我更新的能力并可像正常干细胞一样生成非干细胞。“我们的研究结果表明与干细胞相似的癌细胞并不是早期肿瘤的组成部分,而是在肿瘤发生的后期随着p53功能的丧失才出现的,“论文的共同作者、博士后研究人员Benjamin T. Spike说:“肿瘤异质性有可能是由于不断增长的基因组不稳定性和与干细胞样表型相关的表观遗传不稳定性共同作用所致。”
  为了确定p53失活对于干细胞样癌细胞出现的影响,Spike和Mizuno对乳腺癌和肺癌中的几百个基因表达图谱进行了严密地筛查,寻找干细胞样的标记,检测它们与p53状态的联系。“我们发现p53突变或失活的肿瘤与干细胞在基因表达模式上有着密切的联系,”Spike说:“p53丧失使得细胞克服了死亡和增殖障碍从而产生了致瘤性。”Wahl希望在接下来的研究中能够更深入地了解肿瘤细胞向干细胞样状态转化的过程。“肿瘤越接近干细胞状态就越具有侵袭性,但是它们仍然具有分化为较低侵袭性的细胞类型的能力,”Wahlshuo :“如果我们能够利用这一潜力,我们或许就能迫使这些细胞重新分化,从而降低它们的危险性。 ”


【原文摘录】PNAS  DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1017001108
Inactivation of p53 in breast cancers correlates with stem cell transcriptional signatures
Hideaki Mizuno, Benjamin T. Spikec, Geoffrey M. Wahlc, and Arnold J. Levine
Breast cancer comprises a heterogeneous set of diseases distinguishable from one another by pathologic presentation and molecular signatures. However, each breast cancer subtype is also heterogeneous. Some of the heterogeneity may be attributable to genetic instability, but recent data emphasize that developmental plasticity may also contribute. The p53 tumor suppressor could constitute a nodal control point underlying both sources of heterogeneity because it is frequently inactivated during malignant progression and has recently been shown to function as a potent barrier preventing fully differentiated cells from reverting to pluripotent stem cells after expression of appropriate oncogenes. Using archival microarray datasets, we tested the hypothesis that a p53 mutation could allow cells within a tumor to acquire a stem cell-like state by looking for coordinate expression of stem cell identity genes. We show that breast and lung cancers with p53 mutations do exhibit stem cell-like transcriptional patterns. Such tumors were also depleted for differentiation genes regulated by the polycomb repressor complex 2. These data are consistent with a model in which loss of p53 function enables acquisition of stem cell properties, which are positively selected during tumor progression.

6. 果蝇生殖干细胞分化新机制
  来自中科院动物研究所,清华大学生科院的研究人员发现了果蝇生殖干细胞分化的一种新机制,并且这一机制也可以延伸到斑马鱼和人类细胞,这对于分析生殖干细胞分化机制具有重要的意义。这一研究成果公布在上周的Cell杂志上。在这篇文章中,研究人员发现一种丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶:Fused (Fu)能调控Hedgehog,并与Smurf形成复合物,通过BMP应答系统操纵果蝇生殖干细胞的命运,而且研究人员在斑马鱼,以及人类细胞中也发现了相似的作用,这说明这一新机制可能具有广泛的保守性。去年陈大华研究组还发现了泛素介导的细胞周期蛋白在调控干细胞命运方面的重要作用,他们以果蝇生殖干细胞为研究对象,发现泛素化过程相关的一种重要的基因effete——编码一种泛素接合酶E2(Ubiquitin-conjugating Enzyme),在调控果蝇卵巢生殖干细胞的命运决定中发挥重要作用。
  进一步运用遗传学、生化及分子生物学等多种手段研究发现,Eff蛋白通过结合有丝分裂后期促进因子APC(一种多亚基的泛素连接酶E3)复合体中的dAPC2,介导细胞周期蛋白——Cyclin A的泛素化,从而通过调控Cyclin A蛋白水平的变化来影响生殖干细胞的命运。这将泛素化信号通路调控与干细胞的命运决定联系起来,同时也表明了细胞周期调控因子直接控制干细胞的维持与分化。泛素化机理和细胞周期调控机制从酵母到高等哺乳动物高度保守,说明哺乳动物中可能存在相似的调控机制控制干细胞的命运。


【原文摘录】Cell  doi:10.1016/j.cell.2010.11.022
The Fused/Smurf Complex Controls the Fate of Drosophila Germline Stem Cells by Generating a Gradient BMP Response
Laixin Xia, Shunji Jia, Shoujun Huang, et al.
CB differentiation involves antagonism of BMP signaling through regulation of Tkv Fu regulates CB differentiation by antagonizing BMP signal via interaction with Tkv Fu acts in concert with Smurf to terminate BMP signal by ubiquitinating Tkv in CBs Fu has a conserved role in antagonizing BMP/TGFβ signals from fly to vertebrate.
In the Drosophila ovary, germline stem cells (GSCs) are maintained primarily by bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) ligands produced by the stromal cells of the niche. This signaling represses GSC differentiation by blocking the transcription of the differentiation factor Bam. Remarkably, bam transcription begins only one cell diameter away from the GSC in the daughter cystoblasts (CBs). How this steep gradient of response to BMP signaling is formed has been unclear. Here, we show that Fused (Fu), a serine/threonine kinase that regulates Hedgehog, functions in concert with the E3 ligase Smurf to regulate ubiquitination and proteolysis of the BMP receptor Thickveins in CBs. This regulation generates a steep gradient of BMP activity between GSCs and CBs, allowing for bam expression on CBs and concomitant differentiation. We observed similar roles for Fu during embryonic development in zebrafish and in human cell culture, implying broad conservation of this mechanism.